Prosciutto di Parma DOP Boneless 18 Months | Boschi Fratelli | 16 lb
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Prosciutto di parma is made with purebred pigs that are fed a very strict and specific diet, while regular prosciutto doesn't have as strict of requirements.
Boschi Fratelli Prosciutto di Parma DOP 18 Months is made according the ancient tradition, where the pork leg is cured with pure sea salt in order to keep the meat as sweet-tasting and as supple as possible. The hams are made from the rear haunches of the pig; The curing is controlled carefully so that the ham absorbs only enough salt to preserve it. By the end, a trimmed ham will have lost more than a quarter of its weight through moisture loss, helping to concentrate the flavour. The meat becomes tender and the distinctive aroma and flavor of Parma Ham emerge.
The name Parma Ham is exclusively reserved to hams produced in Parma according to the strict rules defined by the Consorzio’s specifications, which are based on the ancient tradition of its place of origin; in 1996 Parma Ham became one of the first meat products to be awarded the Designation of Protected Origin status.